
A fundamental role of Fairfield Nursery School is to give our children the attributes, knowledge and skills they need to flourish in society. To do this, our children, families and staff have shaped our ambitious and exciting curriculum. Our curriculum is not static but is continually developing and evolving. We reflect on our provision and respond to the needs of our children and families whilst having the core value of developing children's creativity at the heart of our approach. We believe that all our children are creative and through exploring their own creativity they become strong, powerful and competent learners.

The overarching intent of our curriculum is our "Image of the Child". When children leave our school for the next stage in their learning journey they are:

Our children are able to express themselves effectively in their own unique way, showing awareness of others

Children have an awareness of themselves. They are thoughtful and considerate. They are motivated to try again, find out more and review their work and test ideas

Children are curious, fascinated and inspired by the world around them. They take risks and can be independent in their experiences

Children embrace learning in a creative and imaginative way. They try different methods to solve problems using remarkable and interesting approaches

Children are confident. They are secure emotionally and in their environment. They are able to learn by trial and error and bounce back when they are confronted with difficult situations

Underpinning our intent of the image of the child is our pedagogy and key approaches we use to implement our curriculum:

  • Co-exploring the learning experiences with the children

  • Provoking ideas, problem solving and conflict resolution

  • Valuing and celebrating children's work

  • Taking ideas from the children and returning to them for further exploration

  • Helping children see the connections in their learning and experiences

  • Organising the environments and materials to be aesthetically pleasing

  • Organising materials to help children make thoughtful decisions about different media

  • Helping children express their knowledge through representational work

  • Forming a learning cooperative between staff and parents

  • Having a dialogue about projects with parents and wider professionals

  • Fostering the connection between home, school and community

We are excited to share how we implement our broad and balanced curriculum with you. You can explore how we implement the intent of the seven areas of learning. We ensure that we have balance between adult led and child initiated teaching and learning. Our Image of the Child section details the impact of our curriculum. If you would like further information or hard copies please get in touch with us.

Curriculum Overview

Teaching & Learning Policy